Import into Trimble Quest

After the BOQ preparation phase has been completed, importation into Trimble Quest can commence. To initiate this process, navigate to the BOQ scene and press the +Import button. This will launch the BOQ import wizard. Under the heading Import Entire Bill From File, select the appropriate file type of the stored BOQ (Excel/CSV), and press the Upload button.

Figure: Import BOQ from Excel

This action will launch a file explorer. After navigating to the cleaned-up BOQ, select the Open button. This will upload the complete BOQ into Trimble Quest and open up a window where column identification can take place, see Figure: Mapping Columns. In this view, a dropdown menu above each column is presented to the user, which can be used to map the spreadsheet column to its corresponding Trimble Quest field. By default, this drop-down menu will be set to “IGNORE” for each column, which indicates that the column will not be considered for importation. Clicking on this drop-down menu will reveal all of the fields that a column can be mapped to. Users will note that a large selection of fields is available for selection. However, not all of the columns need to be present for successful importation. The minimum columns required for successful importation are “Description”, “Bill Qty” and “Unit”. Additional columns can be added as needed. Take care to also map the “Section Depth” column, if present, or else bill sections will be imported as comments.

Figure: Mapping Columns

Once the mapping process is complete, the Next button can be pressed. The user will then be presented with one final window, where the parent section into which the BOQ must be imported is selected. If the BOQ is imported into a new project, then the root section should be selected. Pressing the Next button will start the importation process, which can take a few seconds, depending on the size of the BOQ. Once completed, the imported BOQ will appear in a collapsed state with all of the sections visible, see Figure: Imported BOQ - Sections in the collapsed state.

Figure: Imported BOQ - Sections in expanded state

The Sections tab can be selected in the Action Bar to quickly navigate to a specific section, as shown earlier in Figure: Section navigation. The full BOQ can once again be viewed by clicking on the root section, “Bill of Quantities”, in the sections pane.