
Clusters are one level up from resources, in the sense that a cluster is made up of a number of different component resources. This will be a group of component resources that typically always go together. What is meant by clusters being one level up is that clusters can contain resources (and other clusters), but resources cannot contain clusters.

There are typically three types of clusters:

  • Material mixtures (Mortar, concrete, etc.)

  • Labor teams

  • Equipment (TLB + Operator + Fuel)

The challenge with building up a cluster comes from the fact that a cluster has its own specific unit of measure with an applicable budget rate cost per unit of the cluster, for example mortar will be measured in cubic yards (CY) and have a per cubic yard cost, but the component resources making up the cluster can have different units of measure than each other as well as different units of measure than the cluster.

This means that in order for the cluster’s budget rate to be correct the budget rates of the component resources needs to be transformed from a budget rate for the resource unit of measure into a budget rate for the cluster unit of measure.

In order to do this, each resource making up a cluster has a transform column which allows you to enter any mathematical function that is necessary in order to convert the resource budget rate into the same budget rate as the cluster.