Create a Global Variable

Global variables can be created in the Global Variables scene which can be found in the Navigation Bar on the left-hand side of the screen within your Trimble Quest project.

Once inside the scene, new variables can be added using the blue +ADD button at the bottom left of the screen. They can also be imported either from a previous project or an Excel file by using the blue +Import button at the bottom left of the screen.

Once you have added a variable you will see that it has four columns: identifier, description, expression, and value. The first three columns are editable by double-clicking on them, but the value column is determined by the expression. This is due to the fact that the expression column can be composed of either a simple value or a calculation.

So, for example, here are two variables, a Shift variable with an expression of 8 and a value of 8 and a Double Shift variable with an expression of the Shift variable (signified by its code {S}) multiplied by 2 which gives us a value of 16:

Figure: Creating Global variables

Note: As in this example, whenever we want to use a variable in a calculation we use its Identifier enclosed within curly brackets, i.e {S}*2.

A Shift variable is a good example of a global variable, as it is used across multiple different line items and thus over multiple worksheets.