Document Writer

In the previous section, we showed how it was possible to view additional reporting information in data tables. However, it may be necessary or convenient to export this tabular data to a document that can be saved or printed. Trimble Quest makes it easy to achieve this. When viewing any data in a Trimble Quest table, the print icon can be pressed to initiate this process.

Figure: Launching the document writer

When exporting table data in this manner, Trimble Quest follows the principle “What you see is what you get”. That is, the data in the printable report will be in the exact same order, with the same filters applied and with identical columns switched on as in the source table from which it was exported. By default, all generated documents will also contain a report header and page numbers.

The document writer has several settings to customize reports before downloading a copy to print, as shown in the above figure. The default download file type is “.PDF”, but several other file types are available. After users have customized the print settings, the report can be downloaded by clicking on the “Download” button.