Create a Timeline

The previous measurement we created was created in the Tender timeline, which is a default timeline included in all projects. However, you might want to group your measurements together in different timelines which make more sense for those specific measurements, e.g a progress timeline, a forecast timeline, a claims timeline, etc.

In order to create a new timeline click on the timeline button at the bottom of the Measurements tab, which will bring up the timeline view:

Figure: Add Timeline

To create a new timeline, click the blue +Add button at the bottom and then double-click on the newly created timeline to edit it. Then, when going back to measurements you can select a different timeline in the Select Timeline box and then create measurements in that timeline in the same way as we did above.

The reason it is referred to as a timeline is because each measurement also has a date of measure, and this is important when you want to for instance create different measurements across time. Examples of this would be when you want to have a monthly progress measurement for each month of the project or if you want to create a forecast timeline where you have a forecasted measurement for each month, or week, of the projected duration of the project.