
Any project, construction or otherwise, can be broadly divided into two phases, namely a planning phase and an execution phase. The primary concern of the planning phase is to set up a roadmap for the execution phase. This typically includes the creation of a schedule/program, a detailed budget/estimate, and the preparation of legal documents such as tenders and contracts. The execution phase is the realization of the planning phase, where typically most of the costs of a project are incurred. Ensuring that the gap between planned versus actual remains small is the key to a successful project.

Trimble Quest is a tool that enables project managers to be more efficient and accurate during both the planning and execution phases of a project. It focuses on the management of the project budget/estimate. Not only does it facilitate the development of an accurate estimate during the planning phase, but it also helps managers to stay within budget during project execution. If used correctly, it can go a long way in keeping the actual cost of a project as close to the estimated cost as possible.