Step 2 - Create a Tag

Tags are also a way to group resources together, however, think of them rather as labels that you stick on to things in order to make it easier to find them instead of groupings which you would like to report on.

So, for example, all of my roofing materials might’ve already been grouped together under materials, which is a category I want to be able to report on, but if I want to be able to easily filter out for just the roofing materials instead of all of the materials in my project I can stick a tag on them called roofing materials which enables me to filter out just my roofing materials when searching for the tag.

Resources can have multiple tags, so something that is used in more than one place can have a tag applied for each place/grouping it is used.

Tags can be created in the Tags module which can be found in the Navigation module on the left. Once in the module, tags can be created by using the blue +Add button at the bottom left of the screen:

Video: Tags